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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

DAY 4: Painting time!

This day was really about going back to kindergarten and play with paints. The workers here were making letter boxes for the houses. Yes, they made the letter boxes themselves and they really used their creativity. I was asked to draw a cute picture on one of the board. I was reluctant at first because I've never touched paint and brush since my junior high school. Nevertheless, I took up the challenge and it turned up to be really fun because it reminded me to my primary school time:). Here is my "masterpiece",hehe.

Looks like kindergarten pic? Then my skill still hasn't improved,lol.
Surprisingly, I was asked again to draw the letter box again, but unlike before, I'm free to draw anything I want. Thanks to Xiao Hei! She gave the idea of drawing Tung Tree Flower or You Tong Hua, a local flower. On the hill, there are many Tung tree, and when the summer comes(no idea why summer), the flower will blossom and fall to the ground like a snow. To bad I can't experience that amazing event. Here's the picture of my painting:

I hope when I come here again someday I'll still see that letter box in front of one of the houses.^^

Oya, also I had the chance to try making ginger food. Jiangmayuen, which means Ginger farm is all about ginger, so they have all kinds of ginger foods. That day, Xiaou Hei asked me to go to the kitchen and try cutting the ginger. Well, this job seems easy but actually it's not something that you can do well in the first shot. Moreover, the smell of ginger is really everywhere, making you lose concentration. (well not that extreme actually).


Don't be surprised that when I meet you later, I'll smell like ginger.


  1. Wuahhh sell....
    seems that you really share bout your life there....
    eventhough only short time..hope u enjoy your life there..Taiwan....I ve never been there actually but I believe u can get a lotssssss of experience there....

    keep update the blog yachhhhhhh:P

  2. good job... hehe... keep it up!!! update more k?? i will be your loyal supporter.. hehe

  3. Thanks my friends! I wanna cry already, lol. keep in touch ya..! especially for ronald, update me if u got some "interesting stuff". u know what i mean.

  4. bhwakakakka gotcha there man! its better to slice some gingers instead slice some cables rite ;p?
