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Friday, December 4, 2009

DAY 6: Chinese Caligraphy

This afternoon, I was called by A Yuen to do some stuffs. Oya, before I move on, I'd like to share a little bit about this guy. I met this guy in my first day and it was not a really impressive meeting. It was kinda scary in fact. Here's the little conversation that we had that time.

Xiao Hei: Yohan, this is A Yuen.
Marsel: Hi! Ni hao..!
A Yuen: Nice to meet you. Wo #$&@*$&^@!
Marsel: (waiting for translation from Xiao Hei)
Xiao Hei: He asked whether you like a boy or not.
Marsel: Whattttt??

It was not the first time people think that I'm a gay or have potential to be a gay. But, it was really the first time being asked "that kind of thing" by people whom I've just met! Grr...
... After a few minutes passed in awkward silence...

A Yuen: You are handsome.


I wish I could be flattered by that compliment.

Anyway, later I found out that he is actually a nice boy with a good sense of humor and he always try his best to speak English with me.
He offered me moaci this afternoon and taught me a Chinese calligraphy.

Some of the things that this shifu said to me were:
-"use your gan jue(feeling)"
-"writing is like drawing"
-"we can know people from his writing".
-"u need to relax"
-"keep the brush perpendicular"
-"#$%&&(($%", "^%$^&%", "^%$%"-->message not delivered

I passed my first lesson by writing, "3, people, and mountain", yay!.

Didn't look that hard, did it? Cos it really wasn't that hard(yea,i only wrote very simple characters,hehe). What difficult is expressing yourself through the writing, just like any other art..


  1. omg, seru bgt d taiwan!!!
    just learn how to write
    "chu ni sheng dan kuai le"
    GBU :D

  2. Yoa Li! thanks yow.. makanya next time ikutan juga Li.. itu "happy birthday to you" kan? kyknya susah d,haha.. GBU too

  3. hmm bukan sel.. kyknya tuh selamat hari natal d..
    Hehehe keren tuh kesan pertama kali ketemu A Yuen nya.. ternyata marsel.. :p

    Enaknya bisa balajar caligraphy.. pengen e.. ntar balik ajarin w sel.. not bad e tulisan lu...

  4. hahaaaaa...
    teteeep ceeell..
    elo tetep disangka gay..

  5. Oiya Bud, u're right, itu Merry Christmas.. akhh!!@# kacau ni gw.
    Ga susah kok caligraphynya.. cma kayak nulis biasa, tp bikin artisticnya aja yg susah..

    Iya ni Pau, knapa ya? mungkin gara2 gw berotot n ganteng kali, lol!

  6. ga di malay, ga di taiwan.. kesan pertama lu slalu sama ni.. haha.. gud luck there.. n don't forget to have fun..

  7. hahahha, jadi nyesel pernah foto ama lo cel ;p, ntar gw disangka pasangan loe! ha ha ha. 1st impression! a good one!
